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SoundOut Press & Blog

Feb 7, 2023
How brands can use music in adverts to make people feel good and sell too
For our second post of 2023, we caught up with Seb Silas who is developing a computational system to learn how to play melodies by ear

Jan 12, 2023
Using AI tagging to ensure brands can capitalise on the explicit reactions to music
This post discusses how AI is enabling organisations to unlock the value of their music catalogues.

Sep 23, 2022
Recall, reassurance, and buyer confidence – three powerful reasons to have a sonic strategy
Recall, reassurance, and buyer confidence – three powerful reasons to have a sonic strategy

Jul 27, 2022
Sound provides a massive opportunity for brands to get between someone’s ears!
SoundOut catch up with Jo McCrostie, expert in how brands can use sound to develop a powerful advantage.

Dec 15, 2021
No, no limits, we’ll reach for the sky
Talking to Antoine Sachet – our data science lead – reminded me of the 1993 chart-topping hit No Limits by 2 Unlimited. It features these...

Nov 10, 2021
Like a rubber ball….
Continuing our focus on the special culture at SoundOut, we thought we’d introduce you to the lovely Emily. Like the Bobby Vee song from...

Nov 3, 2021
Why developing consistent brand character is so important
This post is the fifth in a series of interviews with experts in branding and sonic branding. This time we have captured the thoughts of...

Sep 14, 2021
Music, memory and the commercial potential for music and brands
This post is the third in a series of interviews with experts in the sonic branding sector. And we’re delighted that Dave Baker another...

Sep 1, 2021
Come up and see me, make me smile
The Cockney Rebel classic starts with the line... ‘You’ve done it all, you’ve broken every code’… which connects nicely with the role of...

May 13, 2021
Good vibrations…
Our post about the fabulous Lu Scott started with that timeless lyric from Hotel California, ‘you can check out any time you like......

Apr 23, 2021
You can check out any time you like...
There is an increasing amount of talk about the negative impact of the pandemic on company cultures. So we are very excited about the way...
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