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Explicit and implicit testing of appeal, recall and attributes

SoundOut is the world leader in music testing, with clients including Universal Music, Warner Music and Sony Music, who between them control almost 70% of the global market for recorded music.  To date we have tested over 500,000 music tracks with our panel of over 3.5 million consumers.  Not only does this provide us with the world’s largest comparative music testing database but it enables us to benchmark results on many metrics including genre, territory, demographic and the market as a whole.


In partnership with Entercom/CBS radio we have, for many years, tested every major music release in the US market and continue to provide insight reports on new releases across the US music industry on a weekly basis.  If you’d like to join the mailing list, just let us know.

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When testing any musical composition we also collect between 5,000 – 10,000 words of written consumer reviews.  This provides an unprecedented level of semantic qualitative data that can be dynamically interrogated by our interactive semantic analysis platform.


Strategic branding and marketing testing


We work closely with multiple branding agencies and many of the world’s largest brands in over 80 territories worldwide to test new sonic assets for appeal, recall and attribute resonance.


This is done both explicitly (consciously) and implicitly (subconsciously).  Music has a unique capability to deeply engage with the subconscious and with over 90% of purchasing decisions being triggered by subconscious cues, implicit testing is increasingly being utilized to optimize the emotional impact on the consumer.


We collaborate closely with the music psychology department of Goldsmiths, University of London to ensure that our implicit test structures and methodologies are both state of the art and in line with the latest and most robust academic approaches.

Our testing capabilities sit within our broader Soundscape suite and dovetail neatly with our other music solutions for brands including BrandMatch and SoundOut Attribute Mapper.  As a result, Soundscape provides a comprehensive suite of solutions enabling you to define, match, test and sustain your music assets across all your branding and marketing activities.

Get in touch with us today to get started
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